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A few quick words as we are about to enter Shabbat.

The words, "I can't do this," keep running through my head.

Do what?

It doesn't matter.

Could be something as small as getting through the morning or could be something as big as getting through the morning and I say, "I can't do this."

"I can't find the patience, the time, the energy."

"I can't deal with this, this person, this situation."

"I can't deal with this, pain, this emotion, even this excitement."

I can't.

What words do I tell myself when I feel overwhelmed?

What words do I tell myself when I feel like "I can't?"

I tell myself, out loud, "BEZRAT HASHEM, with the help of G-d, I can!

Because if I lift a pound, it's only because He wants me to and if I lift 100 lbs it's because He gives me the strength.

So what does it matter what I tell myself? It's all in His hands?

It matters.

It matters that there is hope and that with that hope we make an effort.

If I at least think I can, I'm motivated to try.

If I succeed it's in His Hands and if I fail it's in His Hands but the effort is in mine....

I say these words and they act as a key to open up the door to receive help, blessing, abundancy because with "I can't" we keep it closed.

Hashem comes to Moshe and Aaron in this week's parsha and He tells them (Shemot 6:13) "Command the Nation of Israel and Pharaoh, the king of Egypt to let the Nation of Israel out of Egypt)."

Command who?

Command ISRAEL AND Pharaoh.

Command us to let us free???


Let YOURSELF be free. Let YOURSELF go!

No one can control you.

Nothing can destroy you.

There is no master without the slave, but no slave without the master.

Let YOURSELF go and then we open the door for Hashem to take us out.

Shabbat Shalom!

Many blessings and chodesh tov.

These words should be for a refuah shelima of Shimon Aaron ben Cherna bzH.

Elana (For an audio shiur...



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