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Inner Connections Burst: Parshat Shoftim, Being in the Moment

I told her, “I don’t know! No one knows. Right now, you are in this situation with this pregnancy. It’s this tikkun for this child. I know it’s hard, but just get through this pregnancy. One day at a time. With Hashem’s help you will. Tell Him that this is so hard for you and that you are accepting it, but that you want to feel Him with you!”

Do you know what a relief it is to just have to get through the moment?

Whatever the moment is. Not to have to worry about what will be or how it will be. I know that I’ve written about this before, but it’s worth repeating. The majority of what we worry about never even happens and it’s such a waste of energy and strength-to worry about what isn’t and not to focus and direct your energies on getting through what is in the best possible way that you can-with Hashem, the only way you can….

Be wholehearted with the Lord, your God (Devarim 18:13).

Be wholehearted with the Lord, your God: Conduct yourself with Him with simplicity and depend on Him, and do not inquire of the future; rather, accept whatever happens to you with [unadulterated] simplicity and then, you will be with Him and to His portion. — [Sifrei] (Rashi)

Really I spend my day talking. You should hear me. “Hashem, help me to get through this moment.”

“Hashem, I need to feel you.”

“Hashem, keep me focused on right now.”

“Hashem, take away this worry, this fear.”

So He, He is here, but the question is are we? Are we here? In simplicity? In the moment? Are we with Him as much as He is with us? Because if we are then we live a life free of constant worry.

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