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Inner Connections: Not What, but 100

“What!” It’s the question of the day or the question of the year. Maybe it’s the question of one's life, “What?”

What is going on?

What is happening?

What is this all about?

What am I doing?

Lots of whats.

Moshe tells us in this parsha, “Now Israel, what (מה) does Hashem your G-d ask of you? But to fear (יראה) Hashem your G-d, to go in His ways and to love Him and to serve Hashem your G-d with all your heart and all your soul (Devarim 10:12).

Rashi explains in the Gemara (Menachot 43b), “Don’t read what (מה) read 100 (מאה).

Add up the letters in the pasuk (sentence) and you have 99, with the א you get to 100. What is so special about 100?

In the times of David haMelech there was a terrible plague. In order to stop the plague David haMelecch instituted the recitation of 100 blessings. Why? There was a lack of connection between Hashem and the nation. When there is communication, when there is talking, when there is appreciation and praise there’s connection. As soon as the nation started to say 100 blessings a day the plague stopped.

What is a blessing? A blessing is saying, “Hashem I see you in this cup of water that I am about to drink.”

A blessing is saying, “Hashem I see you in my body, in my health, in my pains and in my healing.”

“Hashem I see you in the lighting and in the thunder.”

“Hashem, I see you in my life and every breath that I take!”

What does Hashem want from me? That’s the million-dollar question that I hear all the time, that I myself ask all the time.

What does He want? He wants a connection. He wants us to put the “א” which is ONE which is Him into our questions. He wants us to put Him into the “What am I doing?” He wants us to see (רואה) Him. When we see Him when we put Him into our lives, love Him and serve Him what will be?

The continuation… “for your good (ibid 10:13)”.

It will be good. We bless, there will be blessing.

Shabbat Shalom,

With blessing,


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