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Inner Connections Parsha Behaalotecha

There are so many wisdoms, so many methods, so much information and things to know. We are “smarter” now than ever before with every fact at our finger tips. A person can self-diagnose, self-teach, self-help with a google search or a YouTube video.


So why is there more confusion then there was before? Why isn’t all the running around, looking, learning… making us more aware, more balanced, more tranquil with clarity?

Maybe because we are not focusing our energies in the right direction? We are not even sure what we are looking for?

Hashem told Aaron (through Moshe) to light the menorah in the mishkan (Tabernacle) so that “the seven lamps shall cast their light toward the face of the menorah."

shall cast their light: The six on the six branches; the three eastern ones-that is their wicks-facing towards the center one, and likewise, the three western ones, the tops of their wicks facing toward the center one. Why [were the wicks facing inwards, thus giving off so little light]? So that [people] should not say that He [God] needs the light. — [Tanchuma Beha’alothecha 5]

toward the face of the menorah: Toward the middle lamp, which is not on [one of] the branches, but on the menorah itself. — [Men. 98b]

The Sages teach us that the menorah symbolized wisdom. Torah is light. Torah is wisdom.

With all our wonderful methods, technology and information, if it isn’t directed towards “the Center”, towards the Source, towards Divine light, we are still left in darkness and with confusion.

Ask yourself, where are you directing your energies? What is the focus of your goal?

You can do anything, really, be what you want to be and study and learn and do! But whatever it is that you do, focus it towards the Source of Light and you will acquire wisdom, understanding, clarity.

Pray, ask Hashem to guide you to be able to tap into His light.


I’m not sure why things are so complicated. Maybe, actually, they are simple and we complicate them?

Healing, health. It seems to be that we are running around looking for that answer, that method, that cure. The child’s difficulties, we run from one type of therapy to the other. The job, our livelihood, we run knocking on every door in hopes that it will open up to us wealth and prosperity.

I could go on with my list. How many matchmakers were called and references asked? Apartments looked at and homes almost rented or bought? You should have seen how many ads placed, classifieds looked at, stores traveled to in order to get….

It seems that life is so complicated, so intense. Doesn’t it?

So many calculations and the lists that are way too long on what we have to do, what rock we have to overturn in order to get…what we want, what we think we need, what we pray for.

We see in this week’s parsha (for those of us in Eretz Yisrael) Behaalotecha that Miriam is afflicted with tzarat.

Moshe cried out to Hashem. One sentence, five words, “אֵ֕ל נָ֛א רְפָ֥א נָ֖א לָֽהּ” “G-d please cure her now!

Five words. An arrow directly thrown to the 100 point circle in the middle of the target. An arrow shot directly to the Source of it all…of healing, of child-rearing, of livelihood, peace, having a home, forming a family…

Sometimes what seems so complicated is actually so simple when we know where to shoot our arrows. It takes a lot of practice and hard work (in bitochon & emunah-faith), but when we work on ourselves in this area, we find that the challenges in life are not as overwhelming or insurmountable.

A skilled archery only has to shoot one arrow to hit the target.

May we be able to tap into His light, have focus and clarity. And may the complicated become simple.

With blessings,

Shabbat Shalom,


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