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Talk it UP to bring Him down…

Talk it up to bring Him down…

This is what I do all the time to make those connections.

I’m making chamim-cholent right now and as I put in potatoes, ful, garlic, spices, meat… I talk to my pot and I say out loud, “Likvod Shabbes Kodesh! (In honor of the holy Shabbat). Let this be delicious and full of holiness that will last us all week long.”

I knead my challah and I talk it up by putting that spice of spoken prayer into each punch.

The salads, the cookies, the cake, “Let my family feel my love in each and every bite! Let this be whatever nutrition that we need to be healthy and strong.”

The floor that is currently being mopped (even knowing that in five minutes will no doubt be dirty once again) is talked to and turned into holiness by “talking it up”. Just by saying, “I’m doing this for Shabbes.” Or “I’m doing this for my mental wellness!”

Whatever it is that I’m doing in my home, in my life, during my day- no matter how big or how small I have an opportunity to elevate it with a few words and bring Hashem into it.

I might say, “I’m doing this to create a comfortable, welcoming home.” (Even if it’s putting toilet paper in the bathroom.)

By taking the time, it could be a mere 30 seconds or a one minute, to engage in talk I put HaKadosh Baruchu into the picture.

I talk it up to bring Him down and make that connection.


In this parsha, Bechukotai, the last one in sefer Vayikra – chazak chazak vechitchazek we are told after a long list of painful consequences-of being dispersed in all the lands and the oppression that will result because of our sins that then we will “confess” our sin and the sin of our forefathers (26:40)..…

Confession. Why confession and not just “feel regret” “feel bad” “do repentance”? Why do we need to talk and confess to Hashem our wrong doings?

I read a beautiful insight from Rav Shimshon David Pinchus z’L.

Confession is not for you to feel relieved from a guilty conscious. It’s not simply a demonstration of regret. Confession is out loud, it’s not just a thought. It’s a talk, communication-between you and Hashem to form a relationship.

What does Hashem want from us?


Yes, He wants us. He wants a relationship. And therefore He wants us to talk to Him!

Confession-which is out loud brings us closer to Him. He knows what is in our hearts and yet He still asks to hear. It’s the same with prayer, which are not just thoughts, but words that are spoken or at least whispered.

You can’t just feel love for someone. It’s not enough. You need actions to show your love and you need words.

When you shut down and close up, when you don’t talk. There’s no relationship.

Hashem WANTS us talk because He wants us to have a relationship.

Try it. Have a conversation with Hashem or just a word or two or a sentence. I do it all day long.

And not only do we need that connection to Him, but we need it to ourselves!

Have a conversation with yourself (I personally do this when I go running). Like one friend to another. Check in with yourself. How are you doing? It’s a great way to connect to “self”, to your body and your neshama (soul).

Talk it up to bring Him down and make that connection.

With bracha, shabbat shalom 😊



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