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Adar, Happiness and the Secret of it all is in Fish

It is written that mishenichnas adar marbim b’Simcha. When we enter the month of Adar, which is today, we increase our simcha, our happiness.

Simcha, happiness. What is it?

This morning I awoke early, had everything ready. Breakfast made, lunches packed, clothes laid out. The children, I herded them along, “Come on sweeties pies, hurry, quickly. It’s time to wait outside for the school bus.”

We were out the door in good timing and then…the four-year-old had to go to the bathroom. “Oh yes”, I reminded myself, “He’s a little boy, not a robot.”

I told my older son to go ahead while I waited for the little one to finish. The clock was ticking. When he was done, I told him to run, grabbed his backpack in one hand, my toddler in the other and the two of us ran up the stairs to the bus.

The bus driver was pulling away from the curb. He had informed me in the past that he wouldn’t wait even a half a minute. Well, he wouldn’t wait, but hashgacha pratis, Divine Providence, the car in front of him did and my son ran up the bus stairs. I threw him his back pack wished, “Have a great day!” and told the bus driver as he closed the door yelling at me that he wouldn’t wait again, “If we miss the bus, we miss the bus.” And then I shrugged my shoulders.

As I walked back home honestly, I wanted to fume! I wanted to rant! I wanted to rage! Then I remembered my own words, “If we miss the bus, we miss the bus.” ““Elana,” I told myself, “do what you can. The results are in Hashem’s Hands. Just don’t get stuck.”

And really, I am telling you a key to happiness is not to get stuck.

Look at a child. One moment they are crying. The next moment, they are laughing-they’ve moved on.

The zodiac sign for the month of Adar, the month when we increase our happiness is the fish.


Well maybe because fish always move. If you find yourself at a point in your life where you are unhappy, look inside. Right now, close your eyes. Ask yourself, “Where am I getting stuck? Where do I feel paralyzed, immobile, frozen with anger and hurt or with anxiety or fear?”

Now is the time, as enter we enter the month of Adar, to bring more movement into our lives. Anything is possible. Do what you can. The results are in Hashem’s Hands. Just don’t get stuck. If you do, call out to Hashem, find someone, something, to help you move.

Chodesh tov u mevarach,

With blessings,


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