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Do you have a Choice in the Matter???

So many ways to look at the situation. You can view it from this side and that. Ask ten people, you’ll get ten perspectives, ten opinions. But when it comes down to it the only opinion that really matters is that of your own and really, ultimately you only have two choices on how to see it.

The one-hundred-and-fifty-dollar ticket for dropping of children by the sidewalk. He didn’t understand why and tried to point to the very deceptive sign indicating that it was a loading zone, but the police officer insisted that it wasn’t and didn’t care what he said. A thought crossed his mind how he wanted to give up and move to another land, but maybe he could see this as a test of faith and teach his children a million-dollar lesson instead? He decided to stay calm and remember that the police officer was just a messenger, this too from Hashem, part of a bigger picture.

The telephone that fell from his shirt pocket into the lake, yes gone forever. Not just the money, but phone numbers and contacts also gone forever. He was just trying to be a fun father and now he lost his phone. Wait a minute, he still is. And maybe this was a sign that it was time to get a new one?

She finished working late and put aside her hard-earned money to go grocery shopping the next day. The next day the money mysteriously disappeared. It was nowhere to be found. Frustrating, absolutely, but maybe it was some sort of a bigger picture. A need for cleansing or atonement? Should she cry or take a deep breath and just make do? Be thankful that there was still something food in the refrigerator?

The whipped cream, which was to make ice-cream, that was overly whipped. Instead of ice cream she got butter with slimy eggs and lumpy brown sugar. Disappointment should she throw in the towel and give up or take it as an experiment, a culinary lesson? She went back to the store and bought more cream, took out her bowl and started over.

A lot of good things that happened and a lot of challenging ones as well. Another week of small and big adventures. Yes, there were many lessons learned this week and many mini tests and trials. The closure to a very long month and a summer.

Yes, I will admit that there was whining and complaining. Fighting and petty bickering. But the funny thing of all is that they look back and they smile at those tests and trials. The summer was actually full thank G-d of good times and soon to be fond memories. Because the two realized that really there are only two choices- either you see the situation as good or you see it as bad. Either you choose to live in a world of

blessing or you choose to die in a world of curses.

“Look, I am giving before you today a blessing and a curse (Devarim 11:26).”

You see you are doing what you are doing anyways. You have a choice, only two. You can be resentful about it or do it, as hard as it is, with purpose and a positive attitude.

What happened would have happened anyways. You have a choice. Turn it over and over in your head and relive it with feelings of regret and anger or let go and accept it.

I am not trying to simplify it. I know it’s hard to make a choice, but really we are talking about the difference between blessing and curse, life and death. When you realize this, as hard as it is the choice seems obvious, doesn’t it?

Yes, we, they, are going to look back at this summer of adventures and say, “That was fun!” And what wasn’t so fun they are going to ask, “What did I learn from it?” And the answer will be a lot. Because that in itself is a blessing, isn’t it?

With blessings and good wishes for the start of a new month and a new school year.

Shabbat shalom and chodesh tov!


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