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There’s too much frequency in her complaints and her cries. She moans she’s not loved or treated properly. How can it be that she’s the victim every time?

She looks at this one and sighs, “She hates me.”

She looks at that one and cries, “She always sees me in a negative light.”

No one is good enough. Or is it she that feels she’s never good enough?

She notes the impulsivity of this one and the laziness of that one. She has no friends and she doesn’t know why.

She feels like everyone is out to get her and that they are yelling at her all the time.

She doesn’t understand that she’s looking not at them, but at the reflection of herself in the mirror. And even mirrors distort reality. Even mirrors lie.

You murmured in your tents and said, '"Because the Lord hates us, He took us out of the land of Egypt, to deliver us into the hand[s] of the Amorites to exterminate us (Devarim 1:27)."

Because the Lord hates us: Really, however, He loves you, but you hate Him. A common parable says: What is in your own heart about your friend, [you imagine] is in his heart about you (Sifrei).-Rashi

Hmmm, something to ponder and to think about during these days when the goal is to…what’s the goal? The goal is to see the positive, the light and bring it out. To see the positive in him, the positive in her because what I see, what I choose to see is a reflection of me.

May we see the positive in others and may it reflect the positive aspects that we see in ourselves. May the light grow brighter and may we merit to see the final redemption.

Shabbat Shalom,

With blessings,


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