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Basic Needs

There are certain things so obvious and so basic and yet they still have to be pointed out to us. We still need to hear the message over and over again.

She’s tired and yes the solution really is to get some sleep.

She’s hungry and yes the solution really is to get something to eat.

Basic needs that are so obvious. Food, water, sleep, touch, human companionship. To be loved and touched, fed and cared after. Basic human needs that even you, even I, we need.

The child has a tantrum and you know that it’s because she’s tired. He comes home from school ravished and moody. It’s the last day of preschool. Say farewell to that beloved teacher and you see him crying and falling apart later that night. He doesn’t know why, but to you it’s obvious. Isn’t it? You say, “ahh, that’s why…!!!” And you point to one of those basic things that you know the child needs.

You put her to bed and in the morning she’s better. You give him a meal and you see him calmly smiling. You give him a hug, play with him and kiss his cheek. It doesn’t make the pain of saying goodbye go away right away, but the comfort and love surely makes it much better.

Basic things that are so obvious. Basic things that we need, but when it comes to you and when it comes to me, we forget to make the connection. We forget we need basic things.

So what should we do? Because even if you don’t get your basic needs, does that mean you have an excuse to be grumpy and mean? No! No excuses here, just understanding and a little self-compassion and self-caring. And please, please do something about it. Take action to get your basic needs!

The congregation had no water; so they assembled against Moses and Aaron (Bamidbar 20:2).

The Lord spoke to Moses, saying: "Take the staff and assemble the congregation, you and your brother Aaron, and speak to the rock in their presence so that it will give forth its water. You shall bring forth water for them from the rock and give the congregation and their livestock to drink (ibid 20:7-8)."

Yes, Israel was wrong in the way that they complained. They were ungrateful or was it lacking in faith? But you see G-d didn’t start lecturing them or even try to teach them. He understood that first and foremost they just needed this basic necessity filled, they needed to drink.

My advice to you, my advice to me: Take a good look at yourself in the mirror. You see that beautiful person in front of you? I hope so. You see that you are a person, flesh and blood? That’s right, not an angel. A person with basic needs.

Please take care of yourself as we enter into the summer months. Trust me, it’s the way for you to become a better you, a better human being. It’s a perquisite for serving Hashem and for being able to be kind and considerate to another.

Shabbat shalom. Chodesh tov! A healthy summer.


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