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Do it With a Song

She doesn’t want to do it, but it’s her job to do it. Even though there is always a choice in life-to do or not to do she knows that if this is her role, she must do it. She feels the heavy weight of responsibility that she carries upon her shoulders. Like a turtle, she moves slowly carrying her home on her back.

I hear her lament. “I can’t. I just can’t!” She wants a solution, but she doesn’t even have the strength to work on one, if there is one. She wants a magic wand and have all the work go away. Unfortunately, I don’t have one to give her.

What can I do for her? She might need more money. I have none to give. She might need more hours in the day, more sleep, more time. Again, my hands are empty.

Advice here and there, maybe sometimes she’ll take what I have to offer. But come on, who are we kidding? I know this woman. I know the world that she lives in and hear the challenges that she faces. She’s not holding in a place where she can listen or take anything else on.

What can I do? What can I tell her?

What a job she has. What a hard role, a hard life.

Is there anything that I can offer her, to myself, to lighten up

the load of work in her life? What can I suggest to make it easier?

We know that the Levi’im, they carried a heavy load. They were responsible for carrying all the holy ark, the Tabernacle, all the holy utensils. How did they do it?

First, they walked in the middle. They were surrounded on all sides by the tribes and they were constantly reminded of the importance of their role. It doesn’t make the load lighter, but when you value what you do it certainly makes it feel so.

Ladies, please, see the holiness and the importance of what you do. Don’t undervalue your hard work and all your effort. It’s the center of the world and we admire you!

Second, they did their work accompanied with music. As the midrash explains on the repetition of the word, “work”, in the lines below, that part of their work was to play instruments and sing songs.

Take a census of the sons of Gershon, of them too, following their fathers' houses, according to their families. From the age of thirty years and upward, until the age of fifty years you shall count them, all who come to join the legion, to perform service (work, work לַֽעֲבֹ֥ד עֲבֹדָ֖ה) in the Tent of Meeting (Bamidbar 4:22-23).

Do what you can to enjoy what you do! Listen to music, dance, go to an exercise class, chat with a friend, have an ice cream cone. The holiest work was holy because it was accompanied with joyous song. Do something to make yourself happy, no matter how small.

And lastly, don’t just carry the weight of it all alone. Find a support system. Whether it be a group, a friend, family. None of the Levi’im were alone. Talk to somebody and see out positive people who can encourage you, help you, to carry the weight alone.

A short piece on the longest Torah portion of the year. May we merit to enter this shabbes and holiday, Shavuot, with joy and


Shabbat Shalom, Chag Sameach,


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