I know, I know. Who has time to write right now and who has time to read? So we will try to make this quick and to the point. A break from life and from…Pesach cleaning/preparing.
In this age and stage she’s so aware, so aware! She analyzes and philosophizes and psychologizes (I made that word up). She does her research and looks everything up.
She thinks that if she just figures it out herself, she’ll be able to solve all of the problems.
She wants to be an expert in every field. She wants to know all the answers.
So yesterday her phone had a little problem and then the little problem turned into a bigger problem and she was stuck.
There was a moment of running from this technician to that one when she thought, “Wait maybe I can just google the answer, look it up.”
Now sometimes google is the answer and it gets you the information that you need. You feel proud and independent. There’s no lack or need.
And then life gives you a lesson that google can’t figure out and it’s to teach us something so very important.
A person can’t be their own doctor and their own dentist and they can’t be there own therapist. And sometimes they can’t even fix their own phone. Yes, they can’t just figure everything out. Because you see there’s an ingredient in life that is an essential part of the healing…it’s called humility and it’s called, “I can’t do this alone, I need help!”
And you know what. It’s a relief to be human and a relief not to have to do everything yourself. Independence is wonderful, but also isolating and lonely.
And so in the end she needed to buy a new phone and she took it as a gift (expensive as the lesson was!) because it reminded her that she can’t fix everything and sometimes neither can they and google doesn’t have all the answers and so she must constantly turn in humility to the Master of the World….
There was another lesson learned in her telephone gone coocoo as Pesach approaches and in the just day to day living where there are way too many things to get done.
There is a cure and there is an illness and I’m not talking about physical maladies. You do an act, it could even be a kind act to help others, and sometimes the act isn’t coming from a place of healing. It’s actually coming from the opposite and could make the situation worse.
One questions, one wonders. Where is this idea or this act coming from? Is it coming from a good place or not?
The answer, found in this week’s parsha…
If a man has a se'eith, a sappachath, or a bahereth on the skin of his flesh, and it forms a lesion of tzara'ath on the skin of his flesh, he shall be brought to Aaron the kohen, or to one of his sons, the kohanim. The kohen shall look at the lesion on the skin of his flesh, and ….(Vayikra 13:2-3)
Each one of us needs someone to turn to, that can be objective and guide us on our path. To put things into perspective, to help us help ourselves figure things out. It’s with the physical, it’s with the spiritual, it’s with the emotional and all of the above. Because that’s right, we don’t have all the answers and we can’t always see what’s really going on. I take a deep breath and I blow out the air and sigh in relief that I’m not responsible for the world or running the show. I learn to relinquish control and ask for help and I’m less stressed out as I continue to learn and continue to grow.
Have a beautiful Shabbes and CHODESH TOV!!! Happy cleaning and cleansing and I hope that this made sense as I go to bed. I am so EXHAUSTED!! BAURCH HASHEM!! Holy work, God willing, may it be done with joy and blessings as the holiday approaches.
With blessings,