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Obtaining the IMPOSSIBLE

She’s home and she doesn’t know how in the world she’s going to manage. She gets overstimulated by noise and she got the child that is non-stop chitty-chatter. The balls bounce non-stop or maybe it’s the jumping of a rope. She needs quiet and right now there is none.

She needs at least eight hours of sleep and she gets five.

She questions how in the world is she expected to be kind or patient when she’s so exhausted. All she feels is irritable and she’s really expected to smile?

How can she possibly be at peace with the situation when she opens the door each night and knows that she’ll spend another night alone? Who does she have to cook for or to get dressed up for?

She can’t accept her body and lacks faith in herself and her capabilities. She’s uncomfortable, restless, tired.

She doesn’t have the skills, she laments, or the talents. She never had good examples and doesn’t know what a healthy relationship looks like. She blames her inadequacies on…her past, her family, her lack of resources or education.

She feels like God is asking the impossible.

Is He demanding the impossible?

Can a person really stay calm when they feel angry?

Can they really speak nicely when they feel hurt?

Can a person have a wonderful marriage or be a healthy, loving parent when they grew up in a dysfunctional home?

Can a person really love themselves and others, do beautiful things and grow when they suffered so many years of neglect or abuse?

Can a person really succeed when time and time again they fail?

And every wise hearted person among you shall come and make everything that the Lord has commanded: The Mishkan, its tent and its cover, its clasps and its planks, its bars, its pillars, and its sockets;…(Shemot 35:10-11).

Every man whose heart uplifted (inspired) him came, and everyone whose spirit inspired him to generosity brought the offering of the Lord for the work of the Tent of Meeting, for all its service, and for the holy garments….(ibid 35:21)

And every wise hearted woman spun with her hands, and they brought spun material: blue, purple, and crimson wool, and linen. And all the women whose hearts uplifted them with wisdom, spun the goat hair (ibid 35:25-26).

He (God) has imbued him with the spirit of God, with wisdom, with insight, and with knowledge, and with [talent for] all manner of craftsmanship (ibid 35:31)...

From where did these former slaves learn craftsmanship and artisanry? How could they build the Mishkan-Tabernacle when they lacked the tools and skills? (Don’t read “Miskhan”. Read “home”. Don’t read “Mishkan”. Read “me”.) What do we see? What does the Torah teach us? (Ramban is one who questions this and answers….) They lacked the “knowhow” at first, but their hearts, their hearts were full of DESIRE and when there is a will, Hashem creates a way.

So you think that it’s impossible? To build a beautiful, healthy, stable home? Given whatever are your circumstances, your background, your situation? You think that it’s impossible? To be a beautiful, healthy, stable person? Given your lacks, your weaknesses, your difficulties?

It’s not.

It’s not when there is a desire, a will. You have to give your heart and try, take a single step or make an action. That’s all God is asking. Because with desire ratzon רצון, we create a tube sinor ,צינור that opens up to blessing from above. The impossible becomes possible.


Many blessings and simcha in these weeks and months of reaching new heights and achieving more than we thought possible. May we tap into the Source of anything is possible and open our hearts up to desire.

Shabbat Shalom,


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