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Break Free

It seems to be like she keeps returning to the same point in her life as she was before. Maybe it’s the same fear that returns over and over. Maybe it was a trauma that she replays out over and over in her head.

The addiction, whether it’s a substance, a person, an unhealthy habit, anger-she can’t break free of it. She returns to it over and over again.

She’s trying to go forward, but she can’t.

She’s trying to move on, but she can’t.

She finally comes to a point of total darkness. Darkness that enables her to see the light. Surrendering herself to a feeling and admission of helplessness, she finds the courage to…leave it behind. To truly release it from her body, her mind. It’s out in the open, there’s no covering it up or denial. She’s not running away from it, but she’s making a choice not to return to it. She’s not controlled by it anymore. Ah, now she can truly go forward. Now she’s free.

And Jacob left Beer sheba, and he went to Haran (Beresheit 28:10).

And Jacob left: Scripture had only to write: “And Jacob went to Haran.” Why did it mention his departure?...- Rashi

That’s right there’s no really going forward unless you make the choice to leave it behind….

My dear friends. It’s a short one this week. Honestly, I didn’t think that even this I would be able to have time to write, but baruch Hashem bs’D we did it. A little bit of Torah is better than nothing! May we merit to make the choice to leave behind darkness and embrace light!

Many blessings from Jerusalem!

Shabbat Shalom,


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