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It's so Hard!!!

Their eyes lock and there’s an understanding deeper than words. It’s hard. So much work. The eyes tell the truth even if the lips break into a smile. Wait, the smile also comes from a place of truth despite, or is it because of, the exhaustion and all the hard work.

She wasn’t prepared for how difficult it would be. How much effort. How much strength she would need.

She gets caught up and she’s exhausted. She’s overwhelmed. It’s so hard!

Maybe it’s a situation or a time of year. Maybe it’s a person in her life that challenges her.

It’s something or someone that brings out the worst in her and then she realizes with work, so much hard, that that very thing or person brings out the best in her.

He (G-d) would suckle him with honey from a stone, and oil from a flinty rock (Devarim 32:13).

That’s right no one told her how difficult it would be or how hard. She was completely and totally unprepared for this reality. But with help from Above and by staying focused on the purpose behind all that hard work, on her mission why she was brought into this world, what happens? She sees how sweetness comes forth from that place that’s hard, blessing and light from the place that seems challenging and unmoving.


We are between Yom Kippur and Sukkot and there are so many challenges and expectations for this time of the year. Just try your best, keep it simple, and stay focused on the goal. Remember that all the hard work is for a purpose. Take pride in what you can do and take pride in what you can’t because it’s Hashem who is or isn’t giving you the ability or the energy.

Baruch Hashem I’m being pulled in one two many directions. So, I’ll keep it short and simple this week and follow my own advice.

May we see honey from all our stones and oil from all our rocks. Sweetness, blessing, wealth and light from each challenge and difficulty. May we have understanding and always feel closeness to Hashem.

Shabbat shalom, Chag Sameach,


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