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He's Everywhere, Even in the Bread

She feels a bit low, maybe the word is down or depressed? She’s looking for inspiration, but she can’t find it. Well, that’s not exactly true. When she has the time and she can make it to a class she does feel the light of inspiration. If she reads a beautiful story or engages in a meaningful conversation there is that spark that ignites her soul. But the problem is that it’s not constant and she only seems to be able to connect to it when it’s coming from a lofty external source.

I listen to her. It reminds me of something.

I was in grade school at the time and I used to escape the reality of loneliness or pain by devouring books. I think I read all the books in my school library. The title of one book stayed suck in my memory. “Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret.” The contents of the book? I don’t remember, but I never forgot that title.

As a little girl I knew He was there without a doubt, but still there was that question.

It’s a question we ask all the time, isn’t it? “Are You there God? It’s me…”

Are You there?

Do we doubt it?

We do and we don’t.

There’s a Truth that’s constant and that’s there all the time. Of course, you know He’s there. You know that He exists. Remember the children’s song, “God is here, God is there, God is truly everywhere.”

Yes, He’s here and He’s there and He’s everywhere.

So why is it so hard in the day to day to tap into it? What?

That He’s with me?

She looks up into the sky. “Are You there?” “Are You here?”

“Are You with me?”

We seem to be asking over and over again.

He’s there. He’s here. But are you here? Am I?

Command the children of Israel, and they shall take to you pure olive oil, crushed for lighting, to kindle the lamps continually. Outside the dividing curtain of the testimony in the Tent of Meeting, Aaron shall set it up before the Lord from evening to morning continually. [This shall be] an eternal statute for your generations. Upon the pure menorah, he shall set up the lamps, before the Lord, continually (Vayikra 24:2-4).

So with the work of crushing those olives you get oil and that oil was used to light the menorah. It was continuous. A constant source of light and inspiration. It was like having one of those moments of inspiration and awareness. Where you tap into that constant glow, constant light, you feel His Presence and you feel joy. You might be in a class or surrounded by song. It could be an inspiring teacher or an uplifting prayer. You feel it and you tap into it and you know that it’s there. Always there. But you see you have to be the one to set up the flames and light it. It’s there, but are you there? Do want it? If you do, you’ll tap into it.


And what about the day to day? You know the tasks that don’t seem to be lofty or holy.

I’m up now at 1AM, 2 AM, 3AM….with my newborn baby. I’m up and it’s quiet except for her and me. She brings me into a reality that is so earthly. It’s not up there, it’s down here.

And as I stroke her precious face and she groans and stretches and clings to me. I realize in the middle of the night when I’m so tired that I have tears in my eyes, I realize that here too I can tap into it. If I really really want it and I really really try. I can and I will tap into that yes, even down here He’s with me and it’s constant, continuously.

And you shall take fine flour and bake it [into] twelve loaves. Each loaf shall be [made from] two tenths [of an ephah of flour]. And you place them in two stacks, six in each stack, upon the pure table, before the Lord. And you shall place pure frankincense alongside each stack, and it shall be a reminder for the bread, a fire offering to the Lord. Each and every Sabbath day, he shall set it up before the Lord [to be there] continuously, from the children of Israel an eternal covenant (Vayikra 24:5-8).

You see the inspiration and the spark isn’t just in the light, the joy of illumination. It’s also in the bread. The day to day activities. The day to day opportunities. You want inspiration and you want joy. You want to feel connection. You will, but tap into it by being aware of it, look for it, want it.

You need those classes and those stories and those encounters with inspiring people. But you also to know that yes, G-d is here and G-d is there and G-d is truly everywhere. He’s in the light and He’s in the bread. He’s external, but most importantly He’s internal.

He’s with you in your kitchen, when you cook or when you just order pizza. He’s with you at your table and with you when you’re cleaning or working. He’s standing with you in the supermarket when the person in the line in front of you leaves and comes back with ten more items. He’s with you in the midst of a tantrum or storm. He’s testing you and at the same time trying to illuminate and inspire you.

He’s with you always, continuously. Up there, down here, everywhere.

May we have many outlets of inspiration and light and joy to tap into and may we find inspiration and light and joy internally within ourselves and our day to day life.

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