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The Call

I’ll never forget the client who came to me hours after her home was broken into. Rightfully so, she was shaken up and felt violated. It also just didn’t seem fair. This poor woman. How much has she gone through? She’s had more than her fair share of hardships and trials. And now this?

It’s always like that, no? One thing after the other.

She told me about the clothing flown on the floor and her drawers combed through. What did they steal? Actually, in the end all they took was her fake costume jewelry! Her real wedding ring was left at her mother-in-law’s home that past Shabbat and at the moment she didn’t have any money. She had her laptop on her because she’s still a student and thank G-d nothing of real value was stolen.

You see for some reason that we don’t know her home was chosen to be broken into. Maybe it was to nullify a harsh decree, maybe an atonement for something. Or maybe, just maybe it was neither of those things. Maybe it was a phone call from Hashem, one where He says, “Don’t think that I’ve forgotten you! Don’t think that I’m not watching out for your or that I don’t love you!”

And He called to Moses, and the Lord spoke to him from the Tent of Meeting, saying…(Vayikra 1:1)

Called [קְרִיאָה] is an expression of affection, the [same] expression employed by the ministering angels [when addressing each other], as it says, “And one called (וְקָרָא) to the other…” (Isa. 6:3). To the prophets of the nations of the world, however, He revealed Himself through expressions denoting coincidence and impurity, as the verse says, “and God happened to [meet] (וַיִּקָּר) Balaam” (Num. 23:4). - [Bemidbar Rabbah 52:5] -Rashi

Life is a constant journey of ups and downs and many, many challenges. A person could question, “Why this? Why now?” In the midst of a holiday or happy occasion a tragedy occurs or you hear bad news or for no reason at all, or at least one that you can’t explain, can’t articulate, you feel sad and burdened and down. You try to stay steady and stable and upbeat and strong. But you can’t, not at that moment or in that circumstance. And it’s okay because we’re human beings, not angels or robots. G-d created the world that we live in with seasons and changes, with birth and death.

If you can’t be a steady rock of strength and balance, what can you do?

You can remember that everything that happens is a “calling”, affectionately, to you. It’s not a coincidence, some bad luck or awful timing. It didn’t just “happen” to happen. You’re being called for something, to something and it’s by Hashem, who loves you.

Knowing this will help you when you feel down or broken. It will be your anchor of support, your life vest when the boat is sinking or the air plane crashing.


She’s trying the best that she can, but she feels that she still falls short. And maybe she does. Maybe she really doesn’t have enough time or energy or resources. Poverty isn’t just defined by lacking money. It’s an absence of, a lack of and in this area-whatever it might be, she’s terribly poor.

She has two options. She can either beat herself up about it and sink into despair. This usually accomplishes… nothing. Or she can give it her all-whatever she does have and realize that this is ultimately the only thing expected of her. And by doing this it’s as though she’s achieved…everything.

And if a person [soul] brings a meal offering to the Lord, his offering shall be of fine flour. He shall pour oil over it and place frankincense upon it.

And if a person brings: [literally, “And if a soul brings.”] Regarding all the sacrifices which were donated voluntarily, the only instance where Scripture states the

word נֶפֶשׁ “soul” is in the case of the meal-offering. Now, who usually donates a meal-offering? A poor man [because flour is less expensive than birds or animals]. [Hence,] the Holy One Blessed is He, says: “I account if for him as if he has sacrificed his very soul!” - [Men. 104b] -Rashi

You see as life is so busy and you are now in the midst of cleaning and shopping and cooking (or not!). Just remember, to do the best that you can with whatever resources you have and this, this alone is what G-d expects of you. You’re tired, you’re frustrated. A million things are going on and you feel despair. Turn to Him with all your heart, it’s you He wants and your effort, not riches or gold or perfection.

May we enter the month of Aviva, Spring and Redemption with a “Calling” of love and affection. May we understand that each up and down is just a small part of a great journey. May we do the best that we can with what G-d gives us and arrive at all of our destinations with peace of mind, tranquility and joy.

Shabbat Shalom and Chodesh Tov!

With blessings,


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